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In Service of Corruption: Has the Secret Service Joined the Coup Against Trump?

The gloves are off. The deep state isn't even trying to hide it anymore. The latest bombshell? A whistleblower has come forward, blowing the lid off what could very well be the most audacious inside job in modern American history—the Secret Service’s role in the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Let’s call it what it is: a coup in broad daylight.

For years, we've watched the globalist machine and its deep state puppets do everything in their power to remove Trump from the picture. First, it was through relentless media slander, then a litany of bogus investigations. But now, they’ve grown desperate—desperate enough to take a shot at Trump’s life. Not once, but twice.

The chilling part? This time, the Secret Service—the agency sworn to protect the man—may have been complicit. No longer a neutral party, they're acting as foot soldiers for a corrupt administration that’s terrified of Trump’s return to power.

The Whistleblower's Explosive Allegations

This isn't some wild theory tossed out by random internet trolls. A Secret Service insider with firsthand knowledge of the West Palm Beach golf course where Trump was playing on September 15 has come forward with damning revelations. According to this brave whistleblower, there are known vulnerabilities along the perimeter fencing of the course. These are spots the Secret Service was fully aware could offer a clear line of sight to the former president. And yet, on that day, nobody was posted at these critical points.

The would-be assassin was reportedly allowed to hang out along the fence for 12 hours, completely undetected. You read that right—12 hours. While the Secret Service twiddled their thumbs, someone with clear intent to kill had all the time in the world to plot and prepare. 

The Secret Service: Shield or Sword?

We’re talking about the Secret Service, an organization with near-unlimited resources and cutting-edge technology at its disposal. So how is it that no one noticed a potential assassin loitering along the fence for half a day? No drones, no canine units, no sweeps. Nothing. This wasn’t an oversight. This was deliberate negligence, plain and simple. 

Let’s break it down: Trump’s golf course has known weaknesses. The agents should have been there. The protocols should have been followed. And yet, they weren’t. It’s as if someone gave the order to stand down. 

We’ve got an administration that’s deathly afraid of Trump reclaiming the presidency and upending their globalist agenda. And they’ve got their tentacles deep into the government’s most powerful institutions—FBI, CIA, DOJ—and now, it seems, the Secret Service. What better way to eliminate the biggest threat to their plans than to sabotage the very agency tasked with keeping him alive?

Five Questions They Don’t Want to Answer

In the wake of the whistleblower’s revelations, Senator Josh Hawley penned a letter to the acting Secret Service Director, Ronald Rowe. His questions hit hard, and they’re exactly what every American should be asking:

  1. Why weren’t agents posted at the known weak points in the perimeter fence?

  2. Was the perimeter swept before Trump’s arrival?

  3. Were drones or canine units deployed to monitor the course?

  4. Why didn’t counter-surveillance teams spot the gunman?

  5. What was the official security plan for the day?

So far, no clear answers. And why should we expect any? The system is rigged, and the truth is an inconvenience for those pulling the strings behind the scenes.

This is No Accident—It’s a Coup Attempt

The truth is, we’ve crossed a line. This isn't politics as usual. This isn’t a rogue gunman sneaking through the cracks. This is an assassination plot that reeks of deep state involvement, orchestrated by the very people meant to keep Trump safe. It’s a coup, plain and simple.

Consider what this means. If the Secret Service can be compromised—if they can be turned into an arm of a corrupt administration desperate to cling to power—then no one is safe. This isn’t just about Trump; this is about the future of America as we know it. 

Globalist elites have made it clear: Trump is the one man standing between them and total control. His policies, his movement, his entire legacy are a threat to their grip on power. And if they can’t take him down with sham indictments and smear campaigns, they’ll try to take him down for good. 

Wake Up, America!

This is bigger than Trump. This is about a corrupt regime that’s willing to use any means necessary—including weaponizing the Secret Service—to silence opposition. Today it’s Trump; tomorrow, it’s anyone who dares to stand against their dystopian vision of the future.

Ask yourself: if the deep state can turn the Secret Service—the most elite protection force in the world—into their own private hit squad, what does that mean for the rest of us? What does that mean for democracy, for freedom, for everything we hold dear?

We’re witnessing the slow-motion unraveling of the republic. The institutions we once trusted have been hollowed out and turned into tools for the corrupt few. They’re desperate to maintain control because they know that a second Trump presidency would blow their whole scheme to pieces.

It’s not just about one man; it’s about all of us. This is a fight for the soul of the country, and if we let them get away with this coup attempt, we’re complicit in our own demise.

Stay Angry. Stay Awake.

This whistleblower risked everything to bring the truth to light. Now it’s up to us to hold the line. This is a coup, make no mistake. The Secret Service isn’t in service to the people—it’s in service to a corrupt administration that’s willing to kill to stay in power.

We need to stay vigilant, stay loud, and demand the answers they don’t want to give. The deep state is desperate, and a desperate regime is a dangerous one. We can’t let them win.


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