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Writer's pictureA.Weishaupt

Warlectionism: Votes Can’t Stop the Coming Conflict

Strap in, folks. We’re just two weeks away from what might be the most critical election of our lifetimes, and the world around us is spinning out of control. From geopolitical chess matches to economic collapses, it's all crashing down at once. The entire globe feels like it's teetering on the brink of something big. The decisions made in the coming days could ignite a firestorm that will reshape everything. If you think this is just another election, think again. This one is different, and here's why.

The Geopolitical Pressure Cooker

The world is on the edge, and the U.S. election isn't happening in a vacuum. In the Middle East, all eyes are on Israel and Iran, where tensions have escalated to the point of no return. In the next 48 hours—hell, maybe even by the time you read this—Israel could launch a major strike on Iran. Pundits are giving it a 75% chance, and the timing is no coincidence. The goal? Disrupt the BRICS summit, push back against Iran’s growing power, and tilt the balance of global forces right before the election.

Let’s be real here. This isn’t just a Middle East issue. Iran isn’t some isolated rogue state; it’s a lynchpin in a global power struggle. If Israel strikes, Iran retaliates—and then what? The U.S. gets dragged in, and suddenly we’re looking at a Middle East war that makes Vietnam look like a bar brawl. And guess what? This won’t wait until the election results come in. The powers that be need this chaos before the ballots are counted. Why? Because it gives the deep state the leverage they need, no matter who’s in office.

Global Economic Meltdown: The Canary in the Gold Mine

Look around: gold is sky-high at $2800 an ounce, 50% higher than last year. Costco is selling gold bars like they're snacks. This isn’t a sign of a healthy global economy. This is a warning that fiat currencies are in freefall, and the bifurcation of the world into two power blocs—BRICS vs. NATO—is accelerating. The collapse we’ve been waiting for is happening, but it’s not a Hollywood-style catastrophe with explosions and chaos (not yet, anyway). It’s a slow, relentless unraveling.

BRICS nations are stockpiling gold while the West is drowning in debt and printing money like there’s no tomorrow. Spoiler alert: there is no tomorrow for the dollar if this continues. The decoupling from U.S. currency is in full swing. Russia, China, Iran—they’re all cutting their ties with the dollar, and this election could be the final nail in the coffin. Our leaders are pretending this isn’t happening, but anyone with a pulse can see the writing on the wall.

Two Power Blocs, One War

The world is splitting into two: the East, with its BRICS nations and gold reserves, and the West, desperately clinging to its debt-based economies and crumbling alliances. The timing of this election is no coincidence. We’re at a crossroads, and the global elites need this conflict to solidify their control. This isn’t about democracy; it’s about power, plain and simple. 

The BRICS summit going on right now is the East’s power play—its declaration that the unipolar world is dead. And what’s the West’s response? You guessed it: war. A war that will engulf not just the Middle East, but could easily spread to Ukraine, Taiwan, and beyond. This is global chess, and we’re all pawns in the game. If Israel strikes Iran, it will throw gasoline on the BRICS fire, weakening their position and giving NATO the opening it needs to maintain control.

U.S. Elections: The Ultimate Power Grab

Here’s the kicker: this election might not even happen. Remember Alexa’s creepy prediction about war canceling the 2024 election? Far-fetched? Maybe. But consider this: Biden just admitted he knows about Israel’s plans to attack Iran. Blinken’s been sent over to do damage control, pretending the U.S. isn’t pulling the strings. But Iran isn’t buying it, and they’ve already said any Israeli strike gives them grounds to retaliate against the U.S. directly.

If war breaks out before Election Day, you can bet your last worthless dollar that the U.S. will invoke wartime powers. Martial law, election postponements, emergency powers—this is the playbook. And don’t think for a second that the deep state won’t use it. They’ve been setting the stage for this moment for years. A war in the Middle East would be the perfect excuse to cancel or delay the election, maintaining their grip on power while chaos reigns.

Prepare for the Fallout

We’re staring down the barrel of global conflict, economic collapse, and the potential for outright authoritarianism, and it’s all coming to a head in two weeks. If you think your vote is going to stop this machine, you’re not paying attention. The elites have been moving their pieces into place for decades, and this election is just one more move in their game.

So what can you do? Get ready. Stock up on essentials, secure your finances, and pay attention to the global chessboard. The collapse is already in motion, and no election is going to stop it. Whether it’s gold, oil, or food supplies, the smart money is on prepping for the fallout. Stay alert, stay informed, and most importantly, stay free.

Because in two weeks, the world we know may not exist anymore.


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