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Why Bill Gates Prediction "we're going to have a hung election and a civil war" is Important.

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

Ted - "Bill Gates warned that we weren’t ready for a global pandemic in a talk at TED2015. Now he’s working to make sure the world is better prepared next time around". Gates devoted his time to Ted Talk in 2015 to educate his audience about global biological attacks with a flu like weapon, the importance of quickly produced vaccines to fight this lab created virus, and a global military action to combat the outbreak. Did I mention this was in 2015 2 years before Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations sponsored "The Next Pandemic: Are We Prepared?" (2017) and 4 years before "Event 201 Pandemic Exercise" (2019) that he also funded and sponsored. All videos and evidence available on

-The Next Pandemic: Are We Prepared? 2017

-Event 201 Pandemic Exercise 2019

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